talking about my books, audiobooks, radio theater and cartoons!
THIS Saturday
November 19th
7 pm PT / 10 pm ET
"Cult Radio A-Go-Go! Live ; a.k.a CRAGG Live; is a four hour live call in show every Saturday from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm pacific. Our show is available on the internet internationally as well as in local syndicated markets around the country. We've reached listeners as close as LA (our biggest market) and as far as Iraq, Europe, and Australia. The radio show garners approximately 500,000 to 900,000 listeners on average per month (just via our broadcast and not counting our syndicates) as we are available locally and also in international online media markets including Shoutcast Radio, Terra Radio, Chumby Radio Networks, Live365 Radio, on select cell phones, Stickam networks, and various other syndicates. We are also officially licensed and contracted radio partners of iTunes and Window Media Networks.
"We have guests on our live show that has / had anything to do with making a lasting impression on the world of pop culture at one time or another."
Best to you,
Joe Bev.